
What is Anti-abortionist?


Someone who simply does not support abortion. If you think that everyone who doesnt belive in abortion shoots doctors then thats stereotype

Shes an anti-abortionist but is non-violent in her protests

See tags, suck, i, dont, need, to, write, any, about


A terrorist who believes that if he/she blows up a Planed Parenthood clinic they will go to Heaven when they die, but killing abortion doctors is murder too (so they are becoming what they hate.) Many of them are preppies.

Anti-abortionists are the largest group of criminals in the United States and are the reason for the most bombings in the country.


people who in standard human logic kill doctors to protect life obviously shooting a doctor in the ribs pevents aborions being done legally and humanily as possible forcing the pregant women to go through vile back alley abortions or worse but they didnt think of that did they?

anti-abortionist are prime examples of people whom have a simplistic morality and too much time on their hands.

See hollowcore


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