
What is Anti-bush?


Someone who does not like President George Bush and who does not agree with his agenda.

I am very anti-Bush.

See RJ


Anyone who doesn't think a conservative would spend more of my tax dollars than Ted Kennedy in a Liquor Barn.

I wasn't anti-bush until he turned out to be as much of a fiscal conservative as M.C. Hammer.


Anti-bush means you are against the over growth of pubic hair in your nether region. A prefence for short or no pubic hair.

Because I am "anti-bush" I shave a minimum of 2 times per week to maintain my well kept genital garden.

See Naomi


every other nation, its leaders, and citizens

Everybody hates the US...nah everybody just hates bushes bitch ass.


someone that doesnt like george bush because he is:

1)an asshole

2)doesnt agree with his policies

I am anti-bush

Examples of anti-bush slogans:

-Lick my Bush

-Bush and Hitler are the same the only dif. is the name.

-No blood for oil.


I person who is angainst bush.

I can't stand Bush so I am anti-bush


People who disagree to George W. Bush's decisions or just hate him for whatever reason.

Most people these days are anti-bush so i say that bitch must die!

i am clearly an anti-bush

Comrade 1: do you know anyone who ain't anti-bush or is a george bush lover?

Comrade 2: no. but my teacher sais we should respect some of his decisions

Comrade 1: Honestly. What the hell is your teacher smocking

See bush, bitch, faggot, president, wanker


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