What is Antidisestablishmentarianism?


Opposition to the disestablishment of a state religion (i.e., favoring the continued state support of a particular creed), esp.in regard to debates concerning the Church of England in the 19th century.

It is impossible for an American to be an antidisestablishmentarian, since the United States has never has an established religion.


The word high-schoolers use to sound smart while tapping off the bong.

While decapitating John, I defenestrated him with my antidisestablishmentarianism.


One moron said that it is a word used to describe people who are against the Church of England. They spelt it wrong as well-it's *establish* not *astablish*.

Actually, antidisestablishmentarianism is the belief held by those who are against people who are against the unity of the Church of England and the Monarchy.

It is broken down like this:

*Anti*-Against, *Dis*-the removal of

*Establishment*-the Monarchy and Church

*Arian*-person or group,

*Ism*-a belief


The act of being against the separation of church and state.

An antidisestablishmentarianist believes the church (religion) should have a part in governing a nation.


Originally, opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England, but in modern day, antidisestablishmentarianism means opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an officialchurch in a country.

"Yo, whassup?"

"Do you realize that we are greatly afflicted by antidisestablishmentarianism in the year of 1865?"

"wha? ye, iz 2005, yo. Aw, but I dated that bitch anti when wez wa fightin in the city. Man, she waz fine. You met ha?"

"No, I was just reading a historical novellaby Steve Martin. Turns out he's quite a writer."

"Whaever, ave gotta go meet anti 'gan. She waz so fine...cya, bitch, props!"

See synonyms, related, words, common


The most misspelled word on Urban Dictionary.


You're all dumbfucks.

See antidisestablishmentarianism, word, very, long, oh, yes


Oppostion to the position of the removal of goverment support of the church. Opposition to the doctrine of seperation of church and state.

Oppostion to the position of abolishment of state/official religion.

But more usually just cited as an example of a very long english word. See Psuedoultrapsuedoantidisestablishmentarianism

I used to believe in antidisestablishmentarianism until I saw the House of Lords sitting.

See dave


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