
What is Anti-hero?


An anti-hero is a flawed hero, and therfore, much more intresting then the more traditional heros. They can be working on the side of good, but with a tradic flaw, or a horrible past, or for reasons that are selfish and not intirely "pure". They can also be working for the side of evil, but with hidden noble intentions, or other underlying complexities. These darker heros can be jerks, pathetic, hard, jaded, or mean. However, all anti-heros must have enought heroic qualitys, intentions, or strenth (physical including attracktivness or mental) to somehow gain the sympathy of the audiance. Mostly they are intriguing and can therefore can be very, very, SEXY especialy if you love bad boys (girls). Well known anti-heros include Batman (yay Batman Begins), Angle, Draco Malfoy, and well...Napoleon Dynamite (sorry not a hot example).

Hero: I see the brave, shinning, world of tommorow!

Anti-hero: You must be delusional... And your cape's on backwards.

See hero, villian, antihero, batman


The anti-hero is the hero who does the right thing, albeit with tactics that aren't always what you would call ethical. They are more interested with getting the job done than doing it as virtuously as possible, therefore showing how morally ambiguous they are. The anti-hero has become more popular with society today because people can identify better with the good-guy who sometimes does the not-so-good things; the hero who does no wrong is outdated and is becoming increasingly irrelevant in this day and age. They are the product of a society in which the line between good and bad is becoming harder to tell.

A few examples of the anti-hero include: James Bond, Wolverine, Han Solo, Clint Eastwood's 'The Man With No Name', Batman, Indiana Jones, Rambo, and Malcolm X, to name a few.

See hero, heroes, superman, villain, people


A bad ass who happens to have powers.

Anti-heros include Wolverine, Batman, Spawn, The Punisher, etc.

See anti, hero, batman, spawn, wolverine


Someone in life or in art who does the right (good, moral or noble) thing but for WRONG (short-sighted, self centred or just plain selfish) reasons.

Anti-Hero-Clint Eastwood in almost all of his Western's.

Anti Heroes- Beavis and Butthead in the episode where they save a man who has crashed in a light plane. They try to flag down a car so they can go and get a camcorder to film the wreck and sell it to television.

In the process they inadvertently alert the emergency services who save the man.

Subsequently they appear on "Rescue 911" where they are portrayed as bonafide heroes.

See anti hero, rescue, plane, emergency


A great rock band from Swindon, Wiltshire who play lots of covers like Green Day and Red Hot Chili Peppers. They also have an EP out called In The Beginning EP

"Have you heard Anti-Hero? They're rockin!"


"I think In The Beginning EP is great, I love Anti-Hero!"


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