Anyone For Pimms?

What is Anyone For Pimms??


Used to be funny generally and break awkward silences by referencing the British TV advert about the posh drink Pimms.

Also used in football as a way of asking team-mates if you should shoot yet. (The answer being "Pimms o' clock!!!" or "not yet")

Occasionaly administers as a chat up line.

Jake: My Nan's just died...

Tony: Anyone for Pimms?


Tom: Hey Stuart, meet my friend John.

Stuart: Anyone for Pimms? (while smiling broadly and shaking his hand)


James: Anyone for Pimms? (while dribbling in a football match)

Dan: Pimms O' Clock!

(James shoots at goal)


(Ben sits alone at a bar and a girl sits next to him)

Ben: Anyone for Pimms?! (he shouts loudly at her)

See pimms, football, joke


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