
What is Apple?


The alternative to the orange.

Today, I do not wish to consume an apple. I shall seek alternative fruits.

See apple, orange, banana, grape, peach, pear, fruit, macintosh, delicious, granny smith, apples to oranges


The truly heinous name of Chris Martin and Gwenyth Paltrow's lovechild.

Dear Apple,

Your father and I are sorry for giving you that truly heinous name.



PS: I hope your therapy sessions are going well.



company behind:

Apple Macintosh (1984+)

iMac (1999?)

Mac Mini (2005)

iPod (2001)





Mac OS X (10)

System 7,6 ect

iWill log into my iMac G5, iSync my iPhoto files to Mi iPod Photo.

See the1bigboy


A manufacturer of computers, peripherials, and software with around a 3% share of the pc market.

Most well-known products include:





final cut pro


While their operating system's market share may be significantly below that of Microsoft's windows, many still prefer to use Apple's computers and software, especially for graphical design and audio work.

Many people like to debate over the superiority of macs over pcs and visa versa, such people have no lives.

1. "Quite frankly, I don't give a shit weather you prefer Apple computers or Windows PCs."

2. "The Apple vs. PC debate is mindless and insubstantial, try both and use whichever you prefer."


Red on the outside, white on the inside. A pejorative term used by Native Americans towards other Native Americans accused of "acting white," which would include such things as excelling in school, getting and holding a job, staying out jail, not drinking & drugging, and behaving appropriately in daily interactions with people of other races. Similar to the use of Oreo by African Americans.

That Native kid takes so much crap at home because he's getting A's and B's in school. His whole family thinks he's an apple.


Apple Computer, Inc was founded on April 1, 1976, by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Their first computers, Apple I and Apple II - while crude - initiated the personal computing craze - the idea that a computer would be useful in every home.

Apple became a hit, going on to release many more versions of the computer. But...

In the 1980s, Microsoft's MS-DOS took the market by storm, sales took a hit, and Steve Jobs signed his resignation. (returning shortly after his new line of NeXT computers flopped)

Releasing at least a couple of new operating systems each year, each of the four additional "10th" operating systems features almost comical new content such as a calendar when you press the F11 key (Dashboard), new (but only a variation of old) visual styles, and other efficient (but generally inapplicable) bells and whistles similar to content that can downloaded directly onto a Windows XP platform (ie. See Google for a OSX4 Spotlight equivalent). You can easily count the new features on the fingers of your hands.

To keep from "copying" Microsoft, Apple is often left with second-best. Copying the minimize/maximize/close buttons of Windows 95, they throw them awkwardly on the left. They're use an annoying drifting "dock" instead of a clean and well-organized taskbar, and Apple users are left with the Ctrl-click while PC users simply click the right mouse button.

Apple struggles with pricing and creating a market for all consumers: You can purchase a Mac Mini for only $499, but Apple's cheapest display sells for $799. It is also hindered due to a lack of developer support. (In fact, Microsoft is the largest developer of Apple software other than Apple itself). Often software is released for Mac months after the PC release.

Sales dwindling, Apple is now shifting it's primary focus from computers to the digital music market. (see iPod)

Today, Apple computers are primarily used in schools (as the software is severely fool-proofed and Apple offers a hefty educational discount), and as movie props.


1) A tasty fruit with a tough, wet center and thin skin. Apples come in many varieties and are often the flavor of many candies, drinks, and other confectionery.

2) A software company based in Cupertino, CA, USA. With a vocal minority amongst PC users, Apple Computers are often touted as inferior or overpriced. It is this author's experience and further speculation that most of the people who really "care" enough to object to Apple Computer's presence rarely have any long-term experience with the system, regardless of any other experience. This ignorance really offends the people that use their Windows machines, their Linux machines, their FreeBSD machines, but wouldn't go without their Apple machines, either. Then the Apple fanboys (like their detractors) go out spouting a bunch of flaming trash trying to sound better than everyone else, further justifying their detractors and others. It took this author several years of proof that he was wrong to understand how important a Mac is to anyone who uses a computer a significant amount of time a day.

them: I hate the finder! I just want to use my shell to do file operations.

me: Have you heard of the terminal?


them: I hate the mac! It doesn't have any games!

me: Perhaps you don't need one. If you do heavy work on your computer, you might want to at least evaluate one, however.


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