Apple Computer

What is Apple Computer?


thread on slangdefine used by geeks to insult each other

apples are shit blah blah...

no theyre not blah blah...

See oracle


The first computer company that marketted a preassembled PC. Started by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs somewhere around 1976. This company grew a cult-like following of users.

Apple computer started the PC revolution.


a personal computer manufacturer well known for the stylish design of their high-end computers, also a computer manufactured by Apple

Apple Computer just released some new software yesterday.


the company that manufactures the Mac and I-pod


A computer made by Apple



Company which has created a cult of whiners who don't know how to shut up. Steve Jobs is the leader. Cult members are also known to confuse large price tags and shiny objects with good value.

Apple Computer cult members make me want to burn Apple products.

See apple, computer, steve, jobs, iphone, ipod, mp3, cult, expensive, shiny


computers for the 21st century

"Apple Computer may have screwed up a few times over the years, but at least they knew the century was going to end."

Douglas Adams on Y2K


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