
What is Arabs?


1. Jesus was not an Arab, jesus was a Jew.

2. Not all people from the middle east are arabs - take for example the turks or the persians (iranians) or the jews for that matter. (people from the middle east are known as semites).

'arabs' refers to a large number (some 250 million) of people inhabiting most of the middle east and north africa that speak Arabic as a language, share similar customs, cuisines and lifestyles, and a more or less common history.

There are arabs of many different races, from black arabs in some of the north african countries to blond haired blue eyed arabs on the mediterranean to the stereotypical tanned/dark featured arab, therefore 'race' is not really a defining factor in terming someone an arab.

Also the term 'Arab' should not be confused with the term 'muslim' as not all muslims are arabs and equally not all arabs are muslims (there are christian arabs and even jewish arabs).

Shame on some of the small-minded ignorant users of this page for the highly malicious, prejudicial and ill-informed views they hold.

The Arabs are a nation bound together by a shared history and culture.


group of people who share common cultures from Middle East and speak Arabic. Those are Arabs by and from birth. You can be converted to Muslim but not Arab. ALL arabs being muslim is misconception. The majority of muslims are dwelling in Asia. And not all arabs are terrorists. That is a racial misconception from ignorant people. The very same racist crap that Hollywood and the media use to buffer their hate on a single group of people.

Arabs look and come in different physical characteristics as well as in person. As there are bad Arabs and good Arabs, there are good Americans and bad Americans. Arabs need to be treated fairly.

See arabs, muslims, jews


A group of people. Arabs have a rich culture and heritage. Some are bad; some are good. Arabs are like any other race. This group of people is now a scapegoat for ignorant rednecks. I am a typical white American and I have glimpsed racism against this group of people. I am truly sorry.

Redneck: LOOK ARABS! They're terrorists!

Me: Be silent. I'm German. Does that mean I hate Jews? Open your mind and see all people as your brothers and sisters.

See arab, middle eastern, human


Always stereotyped for being really really religious and faithful since the prophet Muhammad was also an Arab.But in reality many of them are just as corrupted as we are.

Khairul just made his 100th trip to the casino this month.


Yeah Arabs may not be a race but that don’t stop white people (well most Americans) from throwing us into a category. They fuckin label us as terrorist and afraid we going to blow up the plane they about to get on.

So fuckin tired of getting looks at the airport...... No bitch i do not have a bomb or a box cutter on me


A group of people. Arabs have a rich culture and heritage. Some are bad; some are good. Arabs are like any other race. This group of people is now a scapegoat for ignorant rednecks. I am a typical white American and I have glimpsed racism against this group of people. I am truly sorry.

Redneck: LOOK ARABS! They're terrorists!

Me: Be silent. I'm German. Does that mean I hate Jews? Open your mind and see all people as your brothers and sisters.

See arab, middle eastern, human


An Arab is originally a term for a person from the arabian peninsula. During the islamin conquests arabs spread to other areas. Arabs are a subdivision of the semetic people, which includes israelis, not those european ones frech off the boat from russia that call israel home, but the real ones.

Ur an arab...

Look at those Arabs


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