
What is Archaeologist?


A person who studies the past from the material culture left behind by humans.

A popular misconception is that they study fossils or dinosaurs (this is Paleantology)but this is not true. Many male archaeologists have beards, and they are considered as "weird" from most of the population.

" That samien dish seems to be from the 4th Century AD not the 3rd. You can tell by the potters stamp, and look at layer it is in."


"Archaeology can you dig it"


"Archaeology, it's dirty and we like it"


"Archeology a career in ruins"

See hehe


Someone who gets paid to dig through dead people's garbage.

Archaeologists love excavating trash middens and looking at layers of dirt.

See anthropology, digging, unearth, unit, troweling, garbology, midden


Most commonly found scraping dirt off dinosaur bones, archaeologists are the Girl Guides of social science. Can always be relied upon to carry obscure equipment, which makes them useful in everyday situations and absolutely essential in case of attack by the undead.

Social Anthropologist: "If only I could somehow get level with those runes lining the walls of the pit I could translate them!"

Token Archaeologist: "I have some rope and a harness in my bag."

Person in Street: "I'm having a heart attack!"

Passing Archaeologist: "Here, take my spare defibrillator."

See archaeology, anthropology, digging


A Scientist who digs up fossils and studies them

ummmm...sorry cant think of one.... Ross Geller?


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