
What is Archaeology?


1. (What archaeology should be) You've started your archaeology course. It's the first day, you have your hat, whip and designer stuble and are ready to go and kick ass. Everything is exciting, there are always naziscum to shoot, imprisoned children to free and artefact s to "rescue". If you are an archaeologist you can also get laideasily.

2. What archaeology is :( . You're there, on your uni course, let's say in Exeter for example. Pen in hand. Peering around the lecturetheatre at various other oddlooking characters that look like they should never have been allowed to leave wales, sommerset or whatever random back country they escaped from. There's hours of looking at dendrochronology, pollen diagrams, and geophysical bull shit. (That's not the good kind of polleneither :( ) Archaeology causes insanity, a strong accent and excitement over broken ceramics .

Avoid at all costs. Unless you are already displaying archaeology symptoms, then you may well enjoy.

*queue theme music* Look at him killing all those nazi's! He must have done archaeology!

This week you will be looking at carbonised grain and what it can tell us about past cultures and how they farmed.


"The science of uncovering past artifacts to analize and make inferences about the world of the past.

"In archaeology class, we uncovered a piece of Mayan pottery from a sample dig site and analyzed the Mayan culture from it.


The science of travelling around the world with a bullwhip and a fedora hat, ocasionally beating the everliving fuck out of some goddamn nazis!

Dr. Jones, Barnett College, New York


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