
What is Architecture?


A course where students slave over countless hours of work to hopefully receive a C. It is also expected that most of the students will switch into a more fulfilling major that is easier.

"My architecture class is great this week. I've gotten two hours of sleep and I almost have a C in the class.

See architorture, hell, torture


Architecture is man’s desire to eventually create a giant penis that will rival god. Hell, even Zeus was able to impregnate women when he was just a beam of sunlight. For Christ’s sake, how does he do that? Seriously, WTF?!?

The Empire State Building's architecture. What did YOU think it was?

See anilash, zeus, god, phallic


1. The overall appearance a woman's body.

2. A woman with an exellent body (ie well-built)

Homegirl's working with some serious architecture.

I'm sitting at the beach, admiring all the architecture.

See architecture, women, body, hot, built


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