Are We Here?

What is Are We Here??


this is an infinately more irritating variation on the infamous "are we theeeeere yet?" question, which is relentlessly asked by bored children on long car jouneys.

whereas the question "are we there yet?" makes sense - seeing as you're talking about the place that you are HEADING to that you haven't actually REACHED yet - the question "are we here?" (which is asked as the journey is drawing to a close) is entirely infuriating. the reason is this: whenever, and WHEREever, you utter this question, the answer will always be 'yes! of course we're 'here' you silly child!! you could at least ask an annoying question that makes SENSE!!"


parent: "ooh look, there's the sign for our hotel!"

child: "are we here?"

parent: *flips out and chucks child out of window*


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