
What is Armanian?


The Ottoman Empire was a multi-ethnic, multi-religious empire that at its height spanned from the Danube River in Europe, to North Africa, to as far as the Caucasus and Iraq. In accordance with the laws of the Koran, the rights of all minorities were respected.In the years leading up to World War I, however, the Ottoman Empire grew increasingly weak, and provinces began to secede. When World War I began, the Ottomans sided with the Germans, and the German defeat left the Ottomans in shambles. Armenians joined with the Russian forces, and grouped into guerrilla bands. They began attacking the Turkish Army in the rear, and even before the Russo-Armenian forces arrived, they succeeded in capturing Van, massacred its entire Muslim population, and razed the entire city. They then proceeded to “soften up” the area, and in the process killed thousands of Turks and Kurds. After much hesitation, the Ottomans decided to relocate the Armenian communities to Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, which at that time were still Ottoman provinces. Ottoman archives chronicling this decision show that this decision was not punitive, and that Ottoman soldiers were ordered to escort the Armenians and protect them from any vigilantes. As it turned out, though, this decree had tragic consequences, not just due to the warfare in the region, but due to disease, harsh weather, exposure and hunger. However, a few facts should be noted. First, most Armenian casualties occurred in regions where Ottoman control was the weakest. Secondly, a great many Turks and other Muslims also died from the same causes. Thus, there was neither any planned execution of Armenians, nor such an intention.Demographic studies by Professor Justin McCarthy show that roughly 600,000 Armenians died during the struggles as compared to almost 3 million Muslim deaths. Vartanian claims that 1.5 million Armenians were killed -- however, according to census figures of the British as well as the Ottomans, there were never more than 1.3 million Armenians in Anatolia

Vartanian claims that 1.5 million Armenians were killed. However, according to census figures of the British as well as the Ottomans, there were never more than 1.3 million Armanians in Anatolia

See armenians, turkey, turks, genocide, ottoman


A very powerful race that was the first nation to Accept Christianity. Also went through the Armenian Genocide When then Automaun Turks wanted to clear the Armenian race Off the face of the earth, and they still reject killing off millions of armenians, making them walk for days without any food, cutting off their heads and putting them on sticks and sticking them on the ground, cutting a pregnant girls Stomachs and taking out the baby and killing the baby.

Yes its very disturbing, but this is what happened.

Armenians are not bad people, they just have their own culture.

And no we are not Complaining about the genocide all the time, we want to prove the turks wrong, that they did all that to the armenians. And i think you would do the same if your ansectors were hung, or had their heads cut off.

They have their own dances and the way of life.

Armenian girls are not ugly, and i am not saying that they are that GORGEOUS but they are not hidious or ugly, its just that they dont have the same culture as The Americans. The girls` parents dont let them apply 50 pounds of make up on their face so it can make them prettier, they let girls do make up when they are older.

Armenian men are just normal like anyone, they have the same qualities.

One thing the armenians are known about are for their big noses. But its not a problem, and it shouldnt be a problem for you as well.

Armenian: hey man, Did you know about the armanian genocide ?

Turk: What`s that ?

Armenian: yeah when your race killed all millions of armenians?

See armanian, guys, culture, religion, history, people, girls, example


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