Army Rangers

What is Army Rangers?


ˈär-mē -ˈrān-jərs

(Noun) A goup of badasses who make up an unstoppable force capable of withstanding a barrage of fists by Chuck Norris.


"Rangers Lead the Way" isn't just a motto, it's a fact. Each Ranger battalion is capable of deploying anywhere in the world with only 18 hours notice.

The Rangers' primary mission is to engage the enemy in close combat and direct-fire battles. This mission includes direct action operations, raids, personnel and special equipment recovery, in addition to conventional or special light-infantry operations.

The Navy Seals could not do that! Yeah, but the Army Rangers could.

See rangers, lead, the, way, special, forces


Hardcore, super duper, paratroopers.

Upon graduation of Ranger School, the soldier is awarded a tan beret and the coveted ranger tab to signify his being an elite.

Army Rangers Farewell Greeting

Ranger: "Rangers lead the way, sir."

Officer: "All the way.

See rangers, army, marine, special forces


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