
What is Art?


It is said to have originated from an ancient cave man species, who being born dumb and unable to communicate, etched their messages from flint onto rock or any available flat pieces of stone. The concept of creating pictures because you simply cannot speak has since been lost, in fact very much lost in translation. Society now thinks that there is more to it, when there simply is not. These members of today's society have since imitated the original idea through finger painting, cutting vegetables into shapes and daubing them with paint thus transferring to paper and most recently through the innovative 'etchasketch'. Studies show that these people are somewhat mentally deprived, socially inept or just plain gay and therefore add this mentality into their work. They also think that it is more than just a fetish for all things crayola and the ability to use wax crayons and various pastilles.

Also: That produced by an "artist". It comes in many forms:painting, pencil-drawing, sculpture, etc. The medium isn't important as long as the creation is unfathomable to all but the exceedingly rich and outstandingly gay, who only pretend to understand it anyway and write protracted essays on it aimed at the terminally dull. Amongst those 2 classes of people a piece of art will often engender much chin-rubbing in bizarrely-lit art galleries. The practitioners of art are invariably pretentious individuals who consider themselves superior to all other people. In fact some artists take up the occupation in order to further remove themselves from normal, right-thinking people.

Two art collectors discussing an overturned wardrobe surrounded by tealights and wood pigeon feathers: Oh, my word Bartholemew, feast your eyes upon that. What a marvel and a supreme delight to the eye! I quite agree Sir Fitzgerald, it is a definite reflection of the social struggle of the peasantry just before the storming of the Bastille in 1789. I must purchase this fine piece of art. I don't think so Bartholemew. Only those from my social hierarchy could afford such a piece, I mean, do you think you could afford £17million?

See briggsy, crayola, pretentious


Once when asked what Trans-Siberian Orchestra was about, Paul O'Neill replied, "It's about creating great art. When asked to define what great art was, Paul said, "The purpose of art is to create an emotional response in the person that is exposed to that art. And there are three categories of art; bad art, good art and great art. Bad art will elicit no emotional response in the person that is exposed to it, i.e.; a song you hear in an elevator and it does nothing to you, a picture on a wall that gives you the same emotional response as if the wall had been blank, a movie that chews up time. Good art will make you feel an emotion that you have felt before; you see a picture of a forest and you remember the last time you went fishing with your dad, you hear a song about love and you remember the last time you were in love. Great art will make you feel an emotion you have never felt before; seeing the pieta, the world famous sculpture by Michelangelo, can cause someone to feel the pain of losing a child even if they've never had one. And when you're trying for these emotions the easiest one to trigger is anger. Anyone can do it. Go into the street, throw a rock at someone, you will make them angry. The emotions of love, empathy and laughter are much harder to trigger, but since they operate on a deeper level, they bring a much greater reward.

"The purpose of art is to create an emotional response in the person that is exposed to that art..."

See teevee


A picture of time.

Definition taken from "Art on the Playground" by Tommy LM

Kid one: "Art is an expression."

Kid two: "I don't actually believe that. I believe that art is a picture of time"

See art, drawing, picture, creation, time


Acronym for Anus Real Tight.

Fundo: How'd Lucinda get that ART?

Fundolo: She must do a lot of anal exercise.

See exit only


a product of human creativity


See art, paint, medium, music, sky, sex, leaves


The human concept of art is an escape from reality, a brief encounter with a ficticious thought, your mind's flirtation with an external fantasy.

Without Art there would be no existance.


a guy with 1 arm and 1 leg hanging on the wall


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