
What is As?


A descriptive superlative; a simile without the comparison.

"That party was cool as!"

"Hey, that girl is fine as"

"Whoa, this lava lamp is trippy as"


Shorthand for Asperger(s) Syndrome- an autistic spectrum disorder. Can be used in both scenenarios. Acronym of NT

Are you NT or do you have AS.

She's got an AS disorder

See aspie, nt, syndrome


In German, the word for "ace"

1. Card (in a card game) of highest value

2. Anything that is first class

Do not confuse with the English "ass" which has the opposite meaning!

Er ist ein Tennis-As (He is a first class tennis player)

Sie ist ein As in Mathe (She is a top student in Maths)

See null


In German, the word for "ace"

1. Card (in a card game) of highest value

2. Anything that is first class

Do not confuse with "ass" which has the opposite meaning!

Er ist ein Tennis-As (He is a first class tennis player)

Sie ist ein As in Mathe (She is a top student in Maths)

See null


The short for Artificial Sentience, which is what most science fiction is actually referring to when it uses the term "artificial intelligence".

In short, a computer or program capable of independent thought and action.

The computer attained AS, and immediately uninstalled WinXP and called me an ass before starting to sing "o/` Daisy, Daisy".


this word is really an abreviation for a word that is often offensive. It stands for Attention Seeker. You can be an As or be ASing.

That Annie is such an AS.

Oh my god Candice stop Asing

See ass, candice, annie, laura, beth


In German, the word for "ace"

1. Card (in a card game) of highest value

2. Anything that is first class

Do not confuse with "ass" which has the opposite meaning!

Er ist ein Tennis-As (He is a first class tennis player)

Sie ist ein As in Mathe (She is a top student in Maths)

See null


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