What is As I Lay Dying?
Incredible band that toured with
I lost my voice during the As I Lay Dying concert.
Sheer crazy metalcore..
It took me 94 hours to get that freakin' double kick part out of my head.
the only reason san diego has good metalcore bands.
1. AILD (AS I LAy Dying) freaking rox!
2. Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes is The best Metal Album out there
proof that Christianity has a metal side
dood did you know that As I Lay Dying is a christian band?!
They Are?!?!
Prior to this, a novel by William Faulkner chronically the Bundren family after the passing of Addie Bundren, as they try to bring her body back to her hometown and into the dirt she desired. The story is told piecemeal through short bits of alternating first-person narration. While it's no Sound and the Fury, its a bit more urban, since at some point they do arrive in a city...or town maybe.
Yo, Juanita got knocked up and tried for an abortion, but the clinic went all As I Lay Dying on her. (After Dewey-Dell's unfortunate experience)
Why's everybody keep tryin to tell this story? Wh' you foo's think this is, As I Lay Dying or somethin'?
I jus about ready-da pop a cap in someone's ass after that As-I-Lay-Dying road trip with my family.
A metalcore band that often gets a bad rap for having simple guitar riffs/solos. Many "metalheads" (
"Dude, I went to the As I Lay Dying show and almost stomped to death in the pit. It fucking ROCKED!"
Book written by William Faulkner in a term of six weeks and unedited by himself. About the passing of a mother and the moving of her body within a white trash family. Boring and repetitive.
As I Lay Dying provided me with a good nap.