
What is Ashling?


a word commonly used to describe a person with attitude problems who is as changeable as the weather. also used to describe someone with incredible fashion sense.

"this morning she was fine, now she's just a bitch, tht girl is a complete ashling!"

"omg look at those crepz, she's a full on ashling!"

See ash, bitch, fashion, jamie, weather


n. usually a red-headed person who is really nice and sweet. but can handle hanging out with the guys. Isn't afraid to burp in front of anyone. Loves Diablo more than anything, 'cept her boyfriend. Very smart.

person 1: Dude that girl just burped in my face.

person 2: Yeah dude she punched me in the arm this morning. She's such an Ashling.

See funny, crazy, punch, burp, diablo


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