What is Asol?
actually smilling out loud when someone says something that makes you smile and you want them to know
jaime: you always look so pretty in ur pics
Ashley: awe thanx asol
pron. AH-SOL
A step on from SOL (which obv. stands for SMILE OUT LOUD which OBV. was invented by Hotmas and Steffue and no other fools). To A (pronounced AHH) SOL is to actually smile out loud as opposed to simply claiming to smile like ApeoplewhoclaimtosmilebutAdon't.
In fact, A (still pronounced AHH) can go before anything said to mean you are AHH-ctually doing it.
Hotmas is Aannoyed and Aalittledepressed at others who seem to already have defined things that are obv. Ahis. This is currently NOT causing him to ASOL.
(noun) A mellow person who is secretly a cello playing ninja at night; A person who ostracizes people (adj)To be mellow yet aggressive at the same time; To be a person who ostracizes other people in Math class; (verb)To ostracize people in math class; To slap people and not notice while sitting on a couch.
(1)Joe: Want to work together, since I'm pretty sure that I'm smarter than Scott?
Alex: . . .
Joe: Fine be that was and ostracize me, you ASOL!
Alex: Huh? I didn't Ostracize you. I just didn't hear you.
Joe: Sure....Liar!
Alex: I am not a liar!
(2)Joe: So Sarah whats on ur schedule for tonight?
Sarah: I don't know
(Alex, who is sitting next to Joe, tapping his shoulder with her hand, slaps Joe in the face and doesn't notice)
Joe: Ow...
Alex: What?
Joe You just slapped me!
Alex: I'm sorry! I didn't notice.
Joe: You ASOL...