
What is Asperger's?


Actually, in response to the above, Asperger's is not a psychiatric disorder, but a neurological one. There is emerging evidence of genetic predispositions and exciting research confirming the lack of mirror neurons (look it up) in this kind of brain. Brain scans of those who express Asperger's traits confirm verifiable deviations from those of neuro-typical people. The neurological differences manifest as difficulty reading and interpreting facial expressions and other forms of non-verbal communication; physical clumsiness (also neurological) and sometimes neurological differences present as a rigid, linear cognitive style. People with Asperger's usually have above average to superior IQ scores and sometimes possess an extraordinary fund of knowledge about a particular subject. People with Asperger's often find success as engineers and computer programmers due to their preference and skill with mechanical things and relative weak social skills.

There is no known treatment for Asperger's disoder however the most common secondary symptoms/co-morbid conditions anxiety and depression can be successfully treated and controlled in most people.

James was bullied in school because he was different "geeky" an did not recognize the taunts of his cruel classmates, often in the form of dirty looks, laughing at and other non-verbal abuses. This led to a series of maladaptive coping behaviors including school avoidance, anxiety, and depression. James had a part time job at Apple's genius bar where he was able to work among others with similar strengths.

By learning about Asperger's, learning social pragmatics and working with professionals who knew how to explain James' cognitive style, James went on to win the Nobel prize in mathematics after a distinguished career at MIT. ,

See bullying, nerd, geek, aspie, autism, mit, loser, bill gates, microsoft


A form of high functioning autism. While the disorder itself isn't fake, there are unfortunately a lot of fat internet losers out there who diagnose themselves with the disease in an effort to excuse their social ineptitude, sort of like the way ADHD is falsely diagnosed in bratty kids who just dont like paying attention in school. Actual sufferers of the disease will have some trouble functioning in social situations, but they won't go around yelling "SHUT UP IT'S ASPERGERS'S FAULT" every time you tell them that they're annoying and nobody likes them.

Sam has asperger's. He has trouble making eye contact, has trouble with motor skills, and shows some obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Danny is a fat social cripple who read on the internet that people with asperger's have trouble talking to others, and immediately diagnosed himself with it. He now uses it as an excuse for his inability to talk to girls.

See autistic, aspergers, syndrome, crutch, social


A disease that prevents you from being normal. With asperger's you can't socialize correctly. I hate to be touched. I never even had a date. I was beat up by jocks and popular people at school, they called me ass pie and other mean names.

I always wish I was normal. I was deemed by teachers to have a " low iq " but the truth was i was an asperger's case. I am now 36 and high functioning. I live with mom and do simple chores around the house. I still haven't established my own life and ive never had a normal or real relationship of any kind, whether friendship wise or love interests.

I still harbor a bitter resentment towards all the jocks and pretty girls who picked on me and called me " the asspie loser."

If you know an aspie's please don't make fun of us, we are special.

I am an asperger's.

See disease, condition, social, slow, stupid


Pseudoscientific diagnosis most often made of people by their narcissisticparents, in conjunction with airheaded social workers, so that the parents don't have to accept personal responsibilityfor ten to twenty years of filling the kid's head full of dysfunctionalbullshit. Also useful, in our age of postmodernist relativismwhere scienceis seen as at once useful and deeply suspect, for purposes of claiming financial aid. The kids could probably do with the aid, but society doesn't need the quackery. Those who make a mint out of selling the notion of this condition often rope in a few undeniable autisticsavants to their argument so as to confer a thin veneer of respectability on the whole enterprise.

Incidentally, the very use of the word syndromeis pseudoscientific when used in the field of psychiatry. In medicine or any real science, a syndrome is defined as a wide range of symptoms, not all of which may be present in any one patient, which can be proven to link back to a common cause. To take two examples: Down's Syndrome results from a doubling of the sex-linked X chromosome in a person's genotype. It manifests in a range of symptoms including a flattened facial structure, a slant to the eyes, above average muscular development and below average intelligence, not all of which will necessarily manifest in any one person with the syndrome. Likewise, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, manifests in any of a large number of otherwise usually rare opportunistic infections once the body's immune system has been disabled by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Again, not all of these show up in any one case; again, there is a common underlying cause.

After decades of research, psychiatrists remain divided on how the human mind works. There are various conflicting schools of thought (Freudians, Jungians, Adlerians, gestalt therapists, a plethora of others); beyond some empirical research on brain chemistry, neural functioning and other areas related to hard science, the teaching on the workings of the mind get rather hazy rather fast. In other words, we don't really know for certain how the mind works in the sort of detail that would enable us to talk about "common origins" for the extremely wide range of symptoms allegedly linked to this so-called syndrome. The word "syndrome" is simply used in this case because the naive and misguided think it sounds impressively scientific. The very fact that the parameters of Asperger's are so broad and vague pretty much tells you what this whole racketis really about; selling people a bill of goods. However, in the majority of cases, given the plasticity of the human mind in early development and the lack of any explanation of how this "syndrome" is supposed to arise, the above definition is, I would offer, likely to be at least as good as any.

Johnny and Mary Stewart could never get their asses out of bed in the morning and Mary filled little Billy's head with nonsense about how the world is full of people out to get him. When he was bullied in school she told him to ignore it. Now she's gadding about telling everyone he has Asperger's Syndrome. Surprise surprise.

See syndrome, mind, insane, stupidity


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