What is Assmongrels?
1. (interj.) A term used to describe immense displeasure.
2. (v.) A medical term referring to the infusion of incongruous ass cheeks onto one's face to replace dead facial tissue caused by pyrolysis.
3. (n.) Derogatory term for one who's facial features resemble the buttocks.
Assmongrels(1), my son's assmongrelling(2) was a complete failure! Now he really looks like an assmongrel(3).
A word used in frustration; similar to
1. Assmongrels, I stepped on this pile of
shit .
2. Assmongrels!
One who clings to the buttocks of another; Derogatory term for an unsavory person who is quite fond of the anus.
Those old coots were just a bunch of assmongrels.
He's an assmongrol
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