
What is Atgb?


Acronym denoting the phrase "Aching To Get Boned," which was uttered by Kumar in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. Phrase was subsequently used to refer to women of loose moral character ie. sluts, or girls who are so intoxicated that they are willing to engage in such behavior.

Compare to " lol" or " omg" which originated on the internet and then moved into daily speech.

Dude, did you see Cheryl at the party last night? She was totally atgb!

See skank, loose, whore, slut, slutty, ho, hoe


Acronym denoting the phrase "Aching To Get Boned," which was uttered by Kumar in Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. Compare to " lol" or " omg."

Dude, did you see Cheryl at the party last night? She was totally atgb!

See slut, slutty, whore, skank, skanky, ho, hoe, prostitute, hooker, horny, loose


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