
What is Atheism?


Atheism is simply the opposite of theism. The prefix A means "without" or "not", so Atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s). It is not a religion, just like theism is not a religion. Atheists are usually quite fond of life, since it is the only one we have.Theists if you think about it, need a god to make their existance make sense and to make them respect life.

That dog is an atheist. A new-born baby is an atheist. Most of the smartest people in the world are atheists. Coincidence?


There are two kinds of atheism: strong (positive) atheism and weak (negative) atheism. The difference between these two is basically that a weak atheist doesn't believe in God, while a strong atheist believes in no God.

Weak atheism is essentially the same as agnosticism]. It states that since we have no proof of a God, we cannot know for sure that one exists. Strong atheism states that since we live in a scientific world where the existence of things is determined solely by their observability, we cannot assume anything unobservable to exist. God isn’t observable, therefore he doesn’t exist (cf. Occam’s Razor). This doesn't mean that an atheist wouldn't WANT to believe in God, it merely means that he has no REASON to believe in it/him.

Strong atheists often question the special treatment weak atheists – and theists – give to religion. If they believe that the tooth fairy or Santa Claus do not exist, why are they willing to give God a benefit of the doubt?

Strong atheism is often equated with religion since it takes a strong stance on the issue. This is, however, fallacious. Religion is not based on rationality, and strong atheists value rationality over fantasy. Therefore atheism is not parallel with religion.

I do not follow atheism. I merely concur with it.


Atheism, in fact, has NOTHING to do with Satanism. We do not all hate Christians. We're not all evil.

Besides, just by being intolerant and judgemental of Atheists, you are sinning. :)

" 'To be godless is probably the first step towards innocence,' he said, 'to lose the sense of sin and subordination, the false grief for things supposed to be lost.'

'So by innocence you mean not an absense of experience, but an absense of illusions.'

'An absense of need for illusions,' he said. 'A love of and respect for what is right before your eyes.' "

-Anne Rice, The Vampire Lestat.




- Free on Sunday!

- Get to focus on the now.

- No guilt!

- Can claim full responsibility for life's achievments.


- No afterlife. :(

- Must take responsibility for life's failures. Dang!

Dang, it was a tough choice. I mean, I like the idea of the afterlife. But I really wanted to free up my Sunday's, so I chose atheism. And, the best part is, I still get presents on Christmas! Yeah, beeyatch, atheism is the shiznit!


Common sense. Some one who doesnt believe in magic or propaganda, is backed up by science and logic, and figures that god doesnt do have the shit he tells us to do.

God: "You! Go save lives and bring justice to the world"

(God starts holocaust)


A lack of beleif in God.

"I am an atheist because I do not beleive any gods exist. That's all that makes me an atheist."


The idea that there is no god. There as two kinds of Atheism. One kind are weak atheists, sometimes called Agnostics. The other kind are strong atheists.

Agnostics thinks that because there has never been any proof of god, it is a possiblity that there may be no god. Angostics do not deny god, but rather believe that there can be no proof of god.

Strong atheists believe that there is no god. A strong atheist may argue that no god exists because science points to other starts of life.

Atheism is taken up by many intelleuctial figures such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Douglas Adams, Bill Gates, and pretty much anyone with a brain.

Atheism in it's essence, is asking the question "why."

"The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity."

-John Adams

Christian: "The Bible was written by god."

Atheist:"If the bible was written by god, show me where he is."

Christan: "God isn't on earth, he lives in heaven."

Atheist: "Show me where heaven is."

Christan: "..."

Atheism rocks!

See atheist, agnostic, genius, smart


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