
What is Athelete?


Not to be confused with jocks, who are usually stuck-up idiots. Atheletes are people who are actually concerned about aspects of their lives other than their popularity and their cheerleader girlfriend. Athletes have an 85% better chance at becoming more successful than jocks, who will eventually be the people who clean the toilets at your local gas station. Atheletes, however, run a risk of being converted to jocks if they are on a sports team or group with them for an extended period of time (usually 2-3 years). High school teams usually are 10% athelets and 90% jocks.

Hey, Jackie Robinson was a great athelete! He broke the sports color barrier!

Hey, Michael Vick was a great jock. He fought dogs and lied about it!

See athelete, jock, athlete, sports, noob, gangsta, cuh


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