
What is Audacity?


1 : the quality or state of being audacious : as a : intrepid boldness b : bold or arrogant disregard of normal restraints

2 : an audacious act -- usually used in plural

synonym see TEMERITY

3 : using a clans public forum to request signatures after you turn your back on them

Typical n00b: "Hey, even though I completely turned my back on you guys, any chance you could make me a cool siggy, kthx?"

Hoellenfeuer: "WTF are you thinking, n00b? Get lost."

Typical n00b: "Well, I may be back one day when my current clan collapses bc of lack of leadership or funding whichever happens first..."

Hoellenfeuer: "Fat chance, fuck stain."

Wisch: "I can't believe that n00b's audacity!"

See effrontery, temerity, bold, asshat, noob


to have the nerve;

oommmggg jade you have the audacity to call yo mutha fat!

See audacity, nerve, bold, intense


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