What is Audi 5000?
An adjective desribing one or more people who intend on leaving a particular place. Audi's model 5000 sedan was plagued with a problem charcterized by unintended acceleration, in which drivers' complained that the vehicle lurched forward when their foot was on the brake pedal. In reality, it turned out that the acclerator and brake pedals were unusually close together. This is why Audi 5000 is associated with leaving quickly, because that is what this vehicle did when some old fartknocker hit the gas instead of the brakes.
"I'm Audi 5000". or "I'm Audi".
an announcement that you're taking off
a goodbye.
we were done with the lame party and wanted to go home so we were audi 5000
leaving someplace. See "ghost".
This bitch is crazy! I'm audi 5000!
Slang for "Outtah here." Which is slang for "I'm getting out of here." "Or I'm leaving." Rap culture sign off in which the recording artist is being braggadocious about what he/she is driving when they leave the scene. The Audi 5000 was a popular luxury car of the time. This coupled with the fact that "Audi" sounds like "Outtah." A pun if you will.
This song is over. I'm Audi 5000, G.
Short for "Audi", which is short for "Outie", which is short for "Outta here", which is short for "I'm out of here", which is short for "I'm leaving".
As we left Tyronne's house, we told his sister Juantia, "We're Audi 5000"
Slang for saying "good bye my friends."
Comes from the stupidization of the phrase "We are out of here." Shortened to the less intelligible "We Audi 5000". Further stupidized to just "we audi"... will eventually become the guttural "au"
We Audi 5000...Yo... (Yo must be added.)
slang for saying peace
We audi 5000 yo