What is Aunt Dixie?
Also known as Dixie or Dixie Chips...
Creator of the "Sunshine Beach Cafe" ~ by far the longest thread on the official Paradise Hotel message board, with over 29 thousand posts.
Animal lover and rescuer.
Scuba diver.
Artist in waiting.
Mystery Aunt of the famed "Charla" ~
(a beautiful model and winner of the first ever Paradise Hotel t.v. show, seen in Maxim magazine, Dec.2003 issue, also mentioned on E! as the second sexiest woman on television)
Does anyone know where Dixie is?
She's usually in the Sunshine Beach Cafe...
I'm going to go ask Aunt Dixie for some advice...
Do you think Aunt Dixie is really related to Charla?
Yes. The board moderator confirmed it.
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