
What is Autism?


A condition characterized by obsessive interests and a lack of eye contacterger Syndrome has many facets involving a difficulty in communication and inability to grasp social situations and body language. Sufferers report an interest in minor and trivial details, rather than being able to see the bigger picture. They also find 'small talk' difficult.Sufferers also get absorbed in their own head space and find relationships difficult. They also have a tendency to take words and phrases literally, e.g. If someone with Asperger's saw a sign in a telephone bill paying shop stating "cash point" the AS suffer would assume cash point meant an ATM cash machine and would go to draw money out of it.AS sufferers tend to prefer the company of pets and animals and shun the limelight.They can also have temper tantrums and indulge in activities called stimmingwhich is hand flapping or other none verbal gestures such as finger flicking - sufferers of Asperger Syndrome do this when under stress or pressureerger syndrome is a big subject and their are countless different personality types and subcategories of illness/condition.Sufferers are often referred to as eccentric or weird. Everyone with Asperger Syndrome is differenterger Syndrome is a form of Autism.

Autism and Asperger's Syndrome and Psychotherapy: Understanding Asperger Perspectives

by Paula Jacobsen - Psychology - 2003 - 171 pages

See autism, small talk, relationships, communication, eccentric


To be too smart for you brain to handle

The guy from rain man has autism

See autism, autistic, aspergers, syndrome, rain, man


A mental disease that occurs in the formation of the brain. With different degrees of severity, it may range from mild social disfunctions to complete lack of speach, comprehension, etc. Usually pair with this problem is often a very exceptional gift such as extraordinary math or memorization skills. NOT THE SAME AS RETARDED.

See the movie "Rain Man". In it, Dustin Hoffman plays an man with autism.

See autistic, mental illness, genius


A serious and very real developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, restricted and repetitive interests and impaired communication.

Victims of autism suffer from severe mindblindness (complete lack of empathy) and often live in their own world.

A disorder where over 75% of those diagnosed today do not actually have it.

Those who actually suffer from the disorder want to be cured and are quite upset by the mass of fake autistics running around claiming otherwise.

I have severe autism. I began receiving SSI as a child, I attend Voc Rehab and will never be able to live on my own. I spent years in hospitals and institutions because of my autism.

See autism, asperger's, autistic


A developmental disorder, NOT a mental disease/illness.

Some people have autism.

See autism, autistic, eccentric


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