
What is Avarice?


Excessive greed. Characters marked by avarice know no limit to levels of lavish accesories. Syn: Cupidity.

Rampant avarice existed in the Enron management network.


Greed/Avarice (Latin, cupiditia/avaritia) Greed is, like Lust and Gluttony, a sin of excess. However, Greed particularly applies to the acquisition of wealth.

Avarice is the term that can describe all forms of sinful behaviour. These include


-deliberate betrayal, or

-treason, especially for personal gain, as when someone lets themselves be bribed.

-Scavenging and hoarding of materials or objects,

-theft and robbery, especially by violence,

-trickery, or

-manipulation of authority are all actions that are inspired by greed. Such misdeeds include Simony, where the sinner feels the urge to make money by selling things within the confines of the church.

"When did avarice behavior become acceptable? The Bush Administration fits this description to the tee!"

See greed, evil, bush, lust, gluttony


Greed/Avarice (Latin, cupiditia/avaritia) Greed is, like Lust and Gluttony, a sin of excess. However, Greed particularly applies to the acquisition of wealth.

Avarice is the term that can describe all forms of sinful behaviour. These include


-deliberate betrayal, or

-treason, especially for personal gain, as when someone lets themselves be bribed.

-Scavenging and hoarding of materials or objects,

-theft and robbery, especially by violence,

-trickery, or

-manipulation of authority are all actions that are inspired by greed. Such misdeeds include Simony, where the sinner feels the urge to make money by selling things within the confines of the church.

"When did avarice behavior become acceptable? The Bush Administration fits this description to the tee!"

See greed, evil, bush, lust, gluttony


Ava is the latin word for flying.

Ava- rice= flying rice

I threw avarice at airplanes


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