
What is Awesomeo?


Use as you would weirdo;someone who is weird becomes a weirdo. Someone who is awesome becomes an awesomeo. Also works for most other adjectives.

Jared is rad, he's such an awesomeo.

See weird, awesome, weirdo, adjective, adjectard


1. The best way to spell awesome.

2. The Spanish version of the word awesome, according to Johnathan.

1. Friend: I just got new shoes!

Me: Awesome!

2. Me: Awesomeo.

Johnathan: We're in America. Speak English.

See cool beans, sweet, wicked, super, neat-o


cool, or outrageous, but with an "O" at the end

dude that was awesomeo.

See awsomeo, cool, outrageous, wild, extreme


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