
What is Awesometastic?


When awesome and fantastic had hot sex, they created awesometastic.

((Via Prabha's world))

That guy over there is so awesometastic! He makes me happy in my panties.

See awesome, fantastic, amazing, made up, hybrid


the penultimate degree of awesomeness one can be. Origin: 'awesome' + 'fantastic'. See also Swalestastic

Oh my God, was that Poison concert ever awesometastic! Now let's go and have a snack.


Awesome and fantastic. Generally said as a one-word sentence.

So we're going to the club tonight? Awesometastic.


Awesome and Fantastic had a love child so overpoweringly great, they had to give it up and declare it state property. Meet Awesometastic.

That was just plain damned awesometastic.

See Trunks


a word describing sumthin thats both awesome and fantastic, so that it enables one to have a more exciting and magical feel.

"the partey tonite is gna b sooo awesometastic, can't wait!!"

See gna, b, sumthin, partey


Something that is awesome and fantastic

That car is awesometastic!

See awesome, fantastic, cool, funny


A whole new level of awesome.


See awesometastical, mlah, flarb


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