
What is Awgendic?



Only to be said in the most "awgendic" of occasions and not over used because its been know to make people('s):


Have animal-like sex

Have sex with animals

Panties instantly fly off

show their bewbs


exist in different deminsions

control time

turn into pure energy like the sun

Cure AIDS and hungry at the same time

Instant Zillionares

play with their jibblets

phase in and out of existence

become Jedi

Chuck Norris is breaks a sweat while saying, "...Awgendic..."

Dude 1: "Mayne that movie was SO FUCKING AWGENDIC"

Dude 2: "I concure"

Girl 1: "Moments with him are awgendic"

Girl 2: "SO thats why your pregnant"

The Kimbo Slice and Brock Lesner fight will be AWGENDIC

See sweet, awesome, legendary, epic, cool, rad, amazing, vagina, yomomma


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