
What is Axis?


What they put into video game instead of nazi.

The allies killed all of the axis in the street

See fandangle


1. An imaginary line around which an object spins.

2. A one-dimensional line used in mathematics.

3. The Axis powers, a military alliance of nations that fought the Allies in World War II.

Nations that signed the Tripartite pact were officially part of Axis.

These were:

Founder Axis powers: NaziGermany, the Empire of Japan and the Kingdom of Italy.


Minor Axis powers: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.


1. A Planet rotates around its axis.

2. The X-axis on a mathematical graph denotes the horizontal distance.

3. Nazi Germany was part of the Axis powers in World War II.

See allies


Axis a group of people that will soon rule the world. The Axis will create a utopia. The Axis was conceived in Yulee.The original two were Tye and Justin. The Axis later added Trisha and Jennifer to its ranks. The new world will be beautiful.

person 1:Who is the new up and coming political power?

person 2: The AXIS!!!!

See yulee, dictatorship, politicians, utopia, evil, good


President Bush's favorite word

"We must extricate the Israelis.. from the axis of evil that surrounds them with the foundation of terrorism!! Any questions and Ill be at my ranch." - bush


Specifically referring to the failed attempt by a player in the 4th season of Survivor Webcam to control the entire game through interwoven sub-alliances, this term is more generally used now to describe any hidden strategy utilising large alliances.

"if we get marie and lenea on board, we have an axis"


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