
What is Ayup?


a greeting. as in hello or hi. common in the Nottm area of UK and the Midlands. is often followed by the word 'me duck'.

Ayup me duck. hows your mam?

See dee


barnsley dialect

generally used as a greeting but can also be used as an expression of shock, or to ask someone how they are.

"You have one word that means Hello, How are you, Whats this, Hang on a minute and bloody hell! (Ayup..)"

"ayup are tha lekkin"

"ayup?! whats tha chelpin for?!"

See eyup, barnsley, yorkshire, greeting, hello


Northern English word of greeting, surprise or warning.

Etymology: from Old Norse "Se Upp" meaning 'look up' or 'watch out'.

Greeting: Ayup, ow's tha gooin?

Surprise: Ayup! What's this then?

Warning: Ayup, mind thi eead!

See g'day, gidday, hi


an affirmation used by natives of Maine; confirmation of agreement

"Ayup, she's a gem, that girl is."


A reply using the combination of Ah and Yup. By using Ayup, you reply to a question, comment, or opinion by saying yup, while at the same time understanding the question by saying ah.

Person 1: That assignment was difficult. Did you complete it?

Person 2: Ayup


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