
What is A-z-n?


"AZN" is just short spelling version of ASIAN. If we spell that words like that, doesn't really mean that we're acting GHETTO, as other people says.

When we spell 'that' to 'dat', or 'the' to 'da' doesn't always mean that we, ASIANS are stupid. We spell it like that because that's the way we want to spell it, not just how others' do. And some 'white' people here critizise us of how some ASIANS act like the Black race. The question is, do they see their own race (white people) when they act black? They wear them big-a$$ chains and act like an idiot, who looks like he/she doesn't really know what's going on around him/her, and acts like, they're better than the rest! Change of subject, others here talks about how ASIAN people likes to drive Hondas', Acuras', etc. Other races of people drive them cars too. So, how come we, ASIANS get all the crap about it? Just because the cars are actually made and came from Asia, does other people automatically have license to talk sh*t about the ASIAN race?


Asian people who want to act hardcore. They might actually be hardcore, but a lot of posers use it too.

AZN Mafia, mothafucka! u don't mess with this shit!

See anon


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