Azn Pryde

What is Azn Pryde?


Something that asian people say they have to show how 'together' they are, and how much better their culture is than other cultures. Basically another form of racism.

Black dude: Black pride!

*people clap*

Asian dude: Azn pryde!

*people clap*

White dude: White pride!

*people shout and point* "Racist!"

See Anonymous


A sick, sad mockery of an otherwise-proud and noble ideal (Asian Pride) used by a detestable sub-culture of an otherwise-proud and noble race of people in an attempt to elevate themselves over people they deem below them (Whites, et al) See also, racism.

CmOn, aLl mY aZn niGgaZ, we gOTz ta bE paRT of A uNIted fROnt agaINSt thA crACkaz anD rELiVE WorLD WaR II, thA KoREAn WaR, The ViETNam WaR, thA RuSSO-JaPANesE WaR anD EverY oTHEr cONfliCT whERe OuR PPL fOUght aGAInsT a HonKEy!


this is just as racist as "white pride". i am asian and i'm proud of who i am - not because i'm asian, but because i'm good looking, funny and stylish (and very good looking). i'm sure everyone has other qualities they can be proud of too. if you have to resort to your race to be proud of who you are, that's pathetic.

-by: Boardrider


1. Pride in Asian qualities.

2. Being proud that you are Asain.

3. Thinking you are better than everyone else, because you are Asian.

i'Ve GoTtZ aZn pRyDe Up iN dA sHiZeTuL!


A phrase that some idiot came up with. I can understand being proud of your race... but I don't think it's necessary to scream it every chance you get and go on to spell it "aZn pRyDe". Asian people are just like any other race, there are good people and there are bad people... this phrase IS suggestive that all asians are superior to every other race. So superior, in fact, that they have to move to our country because their country is too badass for them... and then act like morons.

Why the hell would you act like such a dipshit? Indeed, people will give you the attention you are no doubt trying to get with this idiocy, but forget getting any respect.

aZn pRyDe foo!!!11, Behold my IGNORANCE


The most obnoxious type of "racial" (note: they are a sub-culture) statement I have ever heard.

Mostly as Asians that grew up in America, these brain-washed disgraces of our race walk around and try to make themselves seem superior, while it is just giving everyone of Asian descent a bad name with their attempt to be "ghetto".

Most of these people should be shot, if not rehabilitated.

I am an Asian, but I would sooner cut off my balls and dye my skin black then be an "aZn".


stupid asian kids that try to act badass and themselves look like dumasses. all the asian people that claim "aZn pRYde" are nuthin but a bunch of ABC's who try to act like fobs but cant even speak chinese without a white boy's accent so sit your whitewashed asses down and let the real chinks talk

ABC: yo yo "aZn pRyDE" homie

RealChink: stfu you stupid twinkie

ABC: whoa wheres your "aZn PryDe" cuz

RealChink: gan ni nian de *walks away*

Abc:huh? wut that mean?

See abc, fob, chink


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