What is Baby Boomers?
The generation born from 1943 to 1960. Towards the end of World War II, there was a surge in births hence the name "Baby Boom". During the 1960s, the Baby Boomers made up the core of the Counterculture, opposed to the Vietnam War and the Establishment. They are the parents of Generation X (born from 1961-1981) and Generation Y (born from 1982-2003).
The Baby Boomers protested the Establishment extensively in the 1960s which is ironic since today, most of the Boomers make up the Establishment.
Alot of old fucking people
Dude 1: i hate fucking sundays
Dude 2: cause you gotta go to church dude?
Dude 1: no, because of all the fucking old people going to church!