Baby D

What is Baby D?


A term to describe a very small penis

He won't join in the orgy with his "baby d"

See dick, small, cock


baby darkness. aka baby d. blacker than charcoal. blacker than the devil's soul. blacker than coffee. best friends with fwigga. mess with one of them you mess with both, and their crew. so watch out!

"Dood you see baby d with her skater friends?"

"Yup i seen baby darkness, fwigga, the entire crew."

"i wish i was one of them!"

"me too!"

See fwigga, darkness, baby d, baby


An amazing individual who constantly makes you happy. You care for this person extremely. This person will be by your side forever.

My lady never lets me down

thats why I never let her go

she always here to lift me up

when I fall down and hit the floor

my baby D is so amazing

let me sit back and count the ways

See derrick, delores, d, baby, DDM


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