Baby John

What is Baby John?


Baby John is the coolest kid in GC, so hes like 12 now and we should stop claling him Baby John but hes still got it going on

Baby John has got it going on!

Baby John ( to the tune of Staceys Mom)

Baby John has got it going on x4

Erin can I come over after school, after school

We could hang around or go to the Garden City Pool

Did John get back from his baseball game?

Is he home, or does he think Im lame?

You know hes not the little boy that he used to be

Hes all grown up now Terence cant you see

Baby John has got it going on

Hes all I want and I've waited for so long

Terence cant you see your just not the boys for me

I know it might be wrong but Im in lov with Baby John


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