
What is Babybat?


A young goth; less frequently a relative newcomer to the scene. Sometimes perjorative if used by older goths.

There's always a load of babybats and moshers hanging around outside.


Someone part of the goth culture (or trying to be part of it) from the 90's onwards. Generally wears black, moans about no one knowing what goth really is and how goth hasn't been good since the 80's (they weren't even born in the 80's). Some claim to be wiccans or satanists but wouldn't understand either of these beliefs if they hit them in the face and many write poetry or have live journal in which they moan about the decline of music, the mental state of themselves and the state of the world in general.

Popular music with babybats includes HIM, The Cure, Marylin Manson, Funeral for a Friend and for some reason which I don't at all understand: Nirvana (since when was Nirvana goth?). These lyrics whine about life and being different and rarely get political.

For what it's worth, goth actually started out as a good idea: be yourself and see the difference in what others ignore. But now all it is is a bunch of bored teenagers outside Boots on a Saturday imagining what it would be like to smoke weed and yelling at passers by who 'conform to society'.

Goth failed because of a major, yet ridiculously simple flaw in the basis of it's philosophy. It says that we shouldn't conform and that we should be proud of who we are. The reality is that people think they are being different by wearing certain clothes, listening to a certain type of music and really are just conforming to another sterotype. Think about it, what's more individual: having a nose ring, going to some concert, painting your nails black and listening to a band that all your mates know whilst moaning about how life has let you down or wearing what the hell you like, listening to what you like and not caring whether what you like is popular or unpopular?

Goth is just another teen tribe now.

1) Look at those babybats.


A goth that is new to the goth scene. Babybats are 16 or under, and might not know a lot about the whole subculture just yet, or have enough money for a decent wardrobe. However, these babybats are in no sense wannabes, and have traits that a lot of adult goths have. If you saw some kid with a ghostly white face, a Marilyn Manson shirt, and pants that came from Hot Topic, they would be a poser. Not a babybat.

Person #1: Oh gosh, look at that guy. He is such a babybat!

Person #2: Nah, he's just a poser.

See baby-bat, baby, bat, kindergoth, kinder, goth, poser, wannabe, true


1. A newcomer in the goth scene.


guy1: "Look at her! Isn't she something?"

guy2: "Sure but...she's a babybat."

2. A young goth.


younggoth: "I wish I were older so people wouldn't keep calling me 'babybat.'"

3. A rarely used affectionate term.


person1: "See you later, babybat!"

person2: "Awwwww, bye!"

See goth, new, noob, pet name, baby bat


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