What is Baby's Arm Holding An Apple?


1. A Large Penis, with the shaft appearing to be the "arm" and the head the "apple"

Look at the size of that cock! It looks like a baby's arm holding an apple!

See M


A large penis.

The term comes from a Lenny Bruce routine about African-American men ("Their wangs look like a baby's arm with an apple in its fist" as immortalized in his book _How to Talk Dirty and Influence People_), but this exact wording is taken from The Tubes' song "What Do You Want From Life", from their first album.

Since not everyone gets the reference, the term typically is used as an in-joke.

What Carrie really wants is a baby's arm holding an apple.

See package, big dick, well-endowed, well endowed, large penis


Having an extremly large penis.

John: My dick is so big it looks like a baby's arm holding an apple!

See baby, arm, apple, package, big dick


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