Baby's Brains

What is Baby's Brains?


When a man grabs his nut-sack, squeezes it from the base of his body, seperating the scrotum with a fist. The balls are in a "streched sack" state, which looks like the brains of a baby. Ball-hair accentuates this optical illution.

Hey look eveyone, baby's brains!!

See balls, scrotum, everyone, nuts


A man's scrotum.

The balls, particularly when it's chilly and they're tucked up tight against the body. The foldy skin looks like the brains of a tiny baby.

"Ugh, I just caught a glimpse of your baby's brains...put those things away!"

See brainz, balls, nuts, cock, dick, scrotum, sack, ballsack


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