What is Back To Black?
going back to what you know.
trying something out, but realizing it wasn't for you, and going back to what you know. black has more of a lower connotation to it - versus going back to "white."
got into a relationship and changed aspects of the way you live and your life. got out of the relationship (exonerated yourself, more like it) and going back to your life (just the way YOU like it) = back to black.
going back to your ex, because that's what you know = back to black.
giving up staying straight, and giving in to your addiction = back to black.
no more faking the funk - accepting yourself for the way you are. not trying to change for the better for other people's eyes and perceptions. coming back from trying to change your life for someone else, to just being who you are. people may have a problem with the way you live your life, but that's ok, because you love yourself.
got into a relationship and changed aspects of the way you live and your life. got out of the relationship (exonerated yourself, more like it) and going back to your life (just the way YOU like it) = back to black.
to go back to a dark place of sorrow and heartbreak/
have you seen amy whinehouse's new video 'back to black'?
yea its pretty emo, she talks about her boyfriend leaving her and then has a funeral for her heart.....
A song written written by
"I'll go back to black....."