
What is Backbeat?


1. A type of music that puts emphasis on beats 2 and 4.

2. A rhythmic quality in music where a beat either is slightly late or gives the illusion of being slightly late.

3. A personal trait of being late.

1. James Brown's music was groundbreaking in putting emphasis on the first beat; he called such music "the one."

2. Lay that snare drum down in a more relaxed manner, more backbeat.

3. Ricky is always late to rehearsal, he's so backbeat.


A part in the song where the beat in the back drops, usually during the first or second verse. Referenced in Oasis' song "Wonderwall".

"Backbeat, the word was the street that the fire in your heart is out. I'm sure you've heard it all before but you never really had a doubt."

See oasis, wonderwall, music, verse, chorus


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