Bad Fuel Day

What is Bad Fuel Day?


The mood or feeling one experiences after having just filled his or her vehicle with $4.00+ per gallon gasoline. (Usually consists of a sense of great economic despair, impending doom, anger, frustration, depression and/or a combination of all the above)

"Leave me alone. I'm having a bad fuel day!"

See bad fuel day, bfd, gas prices


The end result of Americans needlessly paying too much for gasoline.

Bad fuel days are characterized by feelings of righteous indignation that can consume people when they visit the gas pump.

These feelings are based on the knowledge that libtardsin legislatures, government bureaucracies, and non-profit organizations, have for decades prevented America from increasing its domestic oil supply and refining capacity. The mind-boggling array of roadblocks that have been erected since the 1960s is enough to put any right thinking person into a funk.

Ironically Richard Nixon, the whipping boy of hippie liberal douche bags everywhere, helped create the EPA during his administration (thanks, "DICK"). The subsequent laws and burdensome regulations that were enacted have been a debacle to working class and poor people nationwide. The EPA is a shining example of government micro(mis)management.


Libtardsdon't want America doing business with the Magic Kingdom's oil ticks, but provide no realistic alternatives.

(Hint to those who worship at the altar of environ-mentalism): Ethanol, wind power, and solar power are less viable than a "fetus" in the womb. Nuclear, on the other hand….


With advances in safe drilling technologies, America can and should:

-- drill off of every one of our coasts

-- drill in the famously identified MINUTE portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


-- drill in "lower 48" state sites that show promise geologically.

Of course vehicles like the BMW Hydrogen 7 (that actually burns hydrogen) are the wave of the future but, until the hydrogen distribution infrastructure is in place, oil is still the king--so DEAL with it!

Woman at gas pump: "Four dollars a gallon! ARRRRRGH!"

Burn Out: "Hey dude, are you OK?"

Woman at gas pump: "Beat it hippie. I'm having a bad fuel day because you, and people like you, make it hard for me to feed my family!"

Burn Out: "You're a fascist." (walks away to hug a tree and take a bong hit)

See libtards, environ-mentalism, fraudis, oil ticks, hippie liberal douche bag, libtard, mooreonic


In Britain: the mood or feeling one experiences after having just filled his or her vehicle with £1.00+ per litre petrol (equivalent to $8.50+ per gallon of gasoline). Usually consists of a sense of great economic despair, impending doom, anger, frustration, depression and/or a combination of all the above

"I hate when those Americans complain about having a bad fuel day. I'm having a fucking bad fuel day!"

See bad fuel day, bfd, anti-americanism


something that people who drive cars apparently experience. some of the extremely automotivated attempt to blame this reportedly unpleasant experience on government regulations designed to help extend the period of time for which humans will be able to inhabit the planet in a manner recognizable to modern-day mankind as not being 'famine-ridden', 'apocalyptic', or 'stone age'.

Rather a "Bad Fuel Day" is a minor misfortune which arises from the inability to comprehend the value of bicycles, public transit, and other more-efficient, less-expensive, and cleaner forms of transportation.

--Bad Fuel Day, 2009--

"Damn I'm broke from buying so much gas and fat and broke from eating so much drivethru"

"Why don't you sell your car and buy a bike and some actual food?"

"Cause then I wouldn't have time to exercise."

"Why don't you take the bus?"

"Because I lack the ability to read or perform other activities that make the time spent on public transit worthwhile."

"It costs about 20 bucks per hour of driving to own a car. Given that bikes go about the same speed as cars in the city and are basically free, you could be getting paid 20 bucks an hour to ride a bike. Admittedly buses are kind of slow but you do get to sit on your ass."

"But I live in the country."

"Sorry, you came to the wrong website."

See fuel, exercise, sanity


The mood or feeling one experiences after having just filled his or her vehicle with $4.00+ per gallon gasoline. (Usually consists of a sense of great economic despair, impending doom, anger, frustration, depression and/or a combination of all the above)

"Leave me alone. I'm having a bad fuel day!"

See bad, fuel, day, mood


A day of realisation that Americans have after paying a mere $4.00 a gallon when in the UK and in Europe we are paying around £4.40 per gallon, approximately double the price. Possibly a day when Yanks may consider only 4 cylinders or an engine smaller than 3.5litre, although walking is probably out of the question.

Yank: "Dude, what a bad fuel day, I just paid four bucks a gallon"

European: "Fuck you"

See yank, ignorant, stupid, petrol, oil, redneck


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