What is Ba-deep?
A term used to represent a profoundly obtuse statement, or a statement that is evasive and attempts to hide the ineptitude and laziness of the original speaker. See
Comment: "So right after I told him it was not ready, he asked me if it was ready yet. I told him I had just told him it wasn't ready only a minute earlier and he said he just wanted to make sure we were 'being proactive' or something like that"
Response: " Oh man, badeep!"
Reply: "Totally"
A euphamism for a meaningless, randomly constructed, excrutiatingly slow-paced and circular diatribe meant to take up space when, in mid conversation, the speaker realizes that he doesn't have the vocabulary, mental agility, experience or knowledge to complete his original thought - but desperately needs to appear in control and in the know . See "mental filibuster."
Comment: "Ah, yes, precisely, we realize that...you know...the most important, by far, factor in...ah...determining....well, we really just need to"
Response: Grimaces slightly, nods head and thinks ("ba-deep")