
What is Baest?



One who is more beast-like than a beast.

Alex is pretty Baest.

So is Hannah.


See beast, beaster, amazing, great, hairy, mammoth, bigfoot, anchor, pepsi, diet pepsi, coke, diet coke, lamp, mouse, mice, mouses, moose, mooses, moosi, dog, cat, note, camera, ruler, dictatorship, box


A rare progamer. These types of rare progamers have features like a tremendously large penis, sexy hair, and ass hair that makes 20 wigs.

BaeSt's like to partake in: the detrimental consumption of alcohol, sexual activities (with females, or milan)

Other features include: Living in a small city away from a large city he wishes to be in, yet talks to other wankerson the intarweb.

BaeSt is too cool for an ego


a person who generally lives away from a large city that wishes he could live in the big city, thus talks to people in a big city via the internet



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