
What is Bajeezus?


A hilarious exclamation, usually not used alone.

"Whoa! You scared the bajeezus out of me!"

"All I did was turn on TV."

"But Roseanne is on!!"


an outlandish exclamation

"oh my bajeezus"

"you scared the bajeezus out of me"

"holy bajeezus"

See jeez, jesus, holy crap, fdunk


Used in situation where "Jesus" doesn't work.

Historically, Bajeezus was Jesus Christ's more magical brother. Not only could he give sight to the blind, he could make a Elephant cry with his penis. And it wasn't just elephants. Bajeezus could make many things cry with his penis. Like Curtina's vag. it cried with excitement that Viagra couldn't bring to her.

Also the nickname of D Hizzle in hanover, in, because his penis is just so large.

1) "Holy Freakin Bajeezus!"


"I'll slap the Bajeezus out of you Dave Thomas of Wendy's!"

2) Curtina said, "Holy Bajeezus! Your Wang is so massive Bajeezus. Use it to pleasure me and make me cry because my vag can't take 3' of dick!"

See vag, bajeezus, dick, wang, elephant, nba


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