What is Bajskorv?
The swedish name for a little (sometimes huge) piece of poo. "Bajs" means poo and "korv" means sausage, referring to the most common shape of poo.
"Here, come have a looksie...
- Now what?
Just follow me, I have to show you something.
- Okay, what is it?
You'll see, just come.
- All right!
Well, here it is!
- Oh, my god! You freak! Did you bring me all the way over here, just to show me your poo? ... !
Well, yes, off course. But it's called "bajskorv" according to slangdefine. Don't you like it?
- Oh! Well... actually... it's pretty impressive. I mean look at the size of that thing, it must've ripped your guts out.
The swedish word for "poop sausage".
"Jag åt precis en bajskorv" means "I just ate a poop sausage".