Ball Sweat

What is Ball Sweat?


Peculiar moistness on the underside of his sack

I left my boyfriends house and noticed that my chin was damp from his ballsweat.


The most disgusting smell known to man, other than curdled milk.

Man, I can't get this nasty ball sweat smell to leave!


The nasty sour funk that eminates from your sack

She wouldn't go near me due to the overwhelming smell of ball sweat


the shit that gathers up on ur ball sac after a warm day in leather pants can be acculated on the fingers and rubbed under a buddys nose leaving them smelling the scent of ur balls all day

after going to an outdoor concert in july wearing skin tight leather pants the ball sweat smell was overwhelming when i stripped to fuck my bitch that night

See smear, ball funk, sweaty balls


Now I was embarassed to even look this up..But lo an behold Im not the only one with the sack doin the funk

After wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing (I never had a woman leave my home with her chin dripping of funk:)

I was hoping I could find out "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??"

Is there any one thing that is causing the stink?

Does Dr. Scholl have something I slip in my draws to

eliminate this??

After wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing,about the poor woman whos chin was damp from ball sweat

See woman, chin, damp, sweat, tears, ball


Mike Hunt

Mike's pungent aroma and mental lack of substance is exactly the same as the ball sweat experienced after a warm day in leather pants.


Simon Aiken

Simon says: he likes to smell his balls and he likes to drink his ball sweat


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